Registration Policies
Register Early!
Students are strongly encouraged to register early in order to secure a seat in their chosen courses. Many courses fill quickly and close before the registration period ends. Conversely, courses may be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Please note that some classes have prerequisite coursework or require written approval prior to the student's completion of registration; this information is included in the course description. Students may not attend class until they have registered and paid all fees in full.
To Register
See Registration Procedures for information about various ways to register and pay for Continuing Education courses.
Late Registration Period
The late registration period begins three business days before the first class meeting of each course. While there currently is not a financial penalty for registering late, the likelihood that a class will be cancelled or filled increases significantly. Late registration does not reduce the cost of registration and fees. Students who register for classes during the Late Registration Period are not eligible for refunds should they need to drop or withdraw from a class; please see Fees and Related Policies for more information about dropping classes.
Once a course’s pre-set limit for the maximum number of students has been reached, the course is closed to new registrants. Individuals interested in the course may add their names to the course’s waitlist via the online registration system or by calling the Information Desk. A student on a waitlist is in no way considered a registrant and may not attend class without registering in full and receiving written registration confirmation.
Waitlisted students will be contacted if space becomes available in the order they were placed on the waitlist. In fairness to other waitlisted students, the seat will be held for only 24 hours after contacting the waitlisted student. After 24 hours, the next student on the waitlist will be offered the open space.
Course Cancellations And Changes
The Division of Educational Outreach reserves the right to cancel any class or make any other changes it deems necessary in order to provide
students with the best educational experience possible as well as to ensure the health and safety of all members of the university community.
Changes include but are not limited to the following: change of schedule, location, instructor, and mode of instruction. See Fees and Related Policies for details.
Certificate Programs
Requirements for earning each professional development certificate are detailed under the program's Academic Plan tab. Once you fulfill all requirements for a program, you may request your certificate using the UNLV Continuing Education Certificate Issuance Request Form linked on each program page. Please call 702-895-3394 or email if you need help requesting your certificate.
Students enrolling in a certificate program are responsible for reviewing and abiding by all certificate program policies, as well as submitting all necessary forms.
International Students
Continuing Education registration does not satisfy the requirements of the F-1 status. Students with a valid visa are welcome to register for continuing education classes. Continuing Education is not able to assist students with visa questions or issues.
Parking At UNLV Locations
All visitors, students, staff, and faculty who wish to park on one of the UNLV Campuses are required to obtain and display parking permits or park at meters. Permits are required Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, and on Fridays, 7:00 am to 1:00pm. Daily and weekly Parking Permits are available for purchase at the Information Desk; student can purchase monthly and semester-long permits online. For more information about this policy, please visit
Students are expected to attend all of their classes regularly, on time, and for the full session of the class. Absences, tardiness, or early departures are considered by instructors when determining whether or not a student has satisfactorily completed a course, and when appropriate, whether or not students have earned Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Non-attendance is not equivalent to dropping or withdrawing from a course. The number of absences allowed in each course varies according to the course content, teaching method, and number of meetings. Each instructor is permitted to set individual class attendance requirements, which must be indicated in the course syllabus. If no such variations are indicated, students may rightly expect that the policy stated above applies to the course.
Students will not be dropped automatically from the classes for which they are registered but have not attended. In no case is tuition refunded or reduced due to absence from classes. See Fees and Related Policies for more details.
Special Needs
Students with special needs or parents or guardians of children with special needs who may require accommodation are asked to contact the UNLV Disability Resource Center at (702) 895-0866 or online at
Code Of Conduct
UNLV Continuing Education reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is detrimental to the university and its community. Participants in Continuing Education courses are required to abide by the UNLV Student Code of Conduct, which is available online at A student who is dismissed due to disciplinary action or behavioral disturbance is not entitled to a refund.
Personal And School Property
Members of the UNLV community make every effort to protect and safeguard the property of students attending the university. However, the university is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, personal property. Students are expected to make every effort to protect and safeguard the property of the university. Students who damage or steal university property will be billed for such costs and are subject to disciplinary action.
Student Privacy
In accordance with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas policy and the U.S. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), UNLV vigorously protects the privacy of student education records. UNLV does not release private records of individual students, such as grades and class schedules, without prior written consent of the student. As permitted under federal law, the sole exception to the above practice is the release of “directory” information considered to be public in nature and not generally deemed to be an invasion of privacy. At UNLV, the following categories are defined as “directory” information: name, address, email address, telephone number, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time status, academic major, college and grade level, heights and weights of members of athletic teams, academic honors, other academic institutions recently attended, participation in UNLV organizations, and degrees earned and dates attended.
If a student would like to give a spouse, a parent, or any other individual access to his\her academic record, the student must submit a FERPA Third Party Release Authorization Form. The form can be faxed to UNLV Continuing Education at (702) 895-4195 or scanned and emailed to
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
One contact hour equals 50 minutes of structured learning, excluding breaks. One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is awarded for every 10 contact hours. UNLV Continuing Education follows this standard when awarding CEUs. Some programs may have different CEU requirements based on industry standards or accreditation guidelines. CEUs are calculated using the nationally recognized IACET formula, though other organizations may convert them into different measurements. Students should verify CEU applicability with their licensing board. For details, visit or contact UNLV Continuing Education.
Copyright Policy
The university requires all members of the university community to familiarize themselves and to follow copyright and fair-use requirements. Students, faculty, and staff are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair-use laws. The university will neither protect nor defend, nor assume any responsibility for employee or student violations of copyright and fair-use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject offenders to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability as well as disciplinary action under university policies. For more information, visit
Policy Changes
UNLV Continuing Education reserves the right to alter policies specified in its printed materials and posted at as deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the department.
Title IX Policy
UNLV does not discriminate in its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities, including admissions, on the basis of sex/gender pursuant to Title IX, or on the basis of any other legally protected category as is set forth in NSHE Handbook Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 13. Reports of discriminatory misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and/or concerns about noncompliance with Title IX or any other anti-discrimination laws or policies should be directed to UNLV’s Title IX Coordinator Michelle Sposito. The Title IX Coordinator can be reached through the online reporting form at, by email at, by phone at (702) 895-4055, by mail at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451062, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-1062, or in person at Frank and Estella Beam Hall (BEH), Room 555.
Fees and Related Policies
Registration Fees
All registration and related fees are listed with the course, for each class that is open for registration.
Books & Supplies
Unless otherwise noted in the course description, all books and class-specific supplies are included in the registration fee. Required textbooks listed in the course description must be purchased separately.
Payment must be made in full at the time of registration and in advance of the first day of classes. The University reserves the right to withdraw any student who has not paid in full.
No deferred tuition payment plan is available. Tuition may not be reduced, prorated, or transferred to another semester for any reason. Financial aid is not available to Continuing Education students. A list of possible sources of Financial Assistance is available for informational purposes only.
Methods of Payment
Tuition is payable by check or money order, as well as Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express. The University accepts checks and money orders for the exact amount made payable to BOARD OF REGENTS. UNLV cooperates with the Clark County District Attorney’s office to prevent bad check losses. A $25 service fee will be assessed for any check that is returned from the bank for any reason. Post-dated or two-party checks will not be accepted. Any returned check shall be made good within ten days after notification to the student, or the student will not be permitted to attend any classes.
Third-party Payments
If a student expects tuition to be paid through an employer or another agency, written authorization of such payment from the issuing agency is required at the time of registration. In order to register for classes in this situation, students must complete a Registration Form and submit it with written authorization from the third-party payer via fax to (702) 895-4195 or via email to Students are responsible for the full tuition amount if the tuition due is not otherwise paid within 30 days after invoice.
Cashless Operations Policy
Effective September 1, 2022, Division of Educational Outreach is no longer accepting cash as a form of payment for class registrations and purchasing of parking permits. All other forms of approved payment such as credit/debit cards, checks and money orders will continue to be accepted.
Drop Policy
Unless a separate policy is stated for a specific class in the course description, the following applies to all requests to drop Continuing Education classes:
All requests to drop a class must be submitted in writing to, no later than 8:00 am PST three business days before the start of the class.
If the university cancels a course, students will automatically receive a full refund or option to transfer to another class and do not need to submit a request.
Students may request a transfer to another course or request a refund. All requests received by the deadline will receive a credit or refund of 100% of the registration fee. At no time will the amount credited or refunded exceed the amount of the original payment. If a student elects to transfer to a course with a higher registration fee, the student will be responsible for paying the difference.
- Requests must include the following information to be considered:
- Student Name
- Student Email Address and/or Telephone Number
- Class Title and Start Date
- Reason for Dropping the Class
Refunds will only be issued to the original payee and the request must come from the registered student or parent/guardian if under 18 years old.
All refunds will be processed in the same manner as the original payment.
- Registration fees paid by credit card will be refunded to the credit card used for payment within seven to ten business days of the request date.
- Credit card payments over 120 days old will be refunded within ten to twelve weeks via check and mailed to the student’s address on file.
- Registration fees paid by check or money order will be refunded within ten to twelve weeks via a check and mailed to the student’s address on file.
Students will not be dropped automatically from classes based on attendance. Credits or refunds are not provided due to absence from class.
If you are requesting to drop a class due to State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA), please include the reason for filing a SARA complaint in your drop request. For more information about the SARA complaint process please visit:
Extenuating Circumstance
For extenuating circumstances, students may file an appeal for an exception to the refund policy. All appeals must be received no later than two weeks after the last day of class.
To file an appeal, students must complete the Appeal Request form, no emails will be accepted.
All extenuating circumstance requests will be reviewed by an appeals committee and may result in no refund, a transfer or credit for the fee paid, a partial refund or full refund.
The appeals committee reviews requests on a periodic basis and it may take up to 30 days for a decision.
Click here for Appeal Request Google Form
Students who are unable to complete a class may request to withdraw from the class anytime between the start date of the class and the end date of the class. Withdrawing from a class will remove the student from the class roster and avoid a notation of incomplete\failure. Requests for class withdrawal must be submitted in writing; phone requests or changes discussed with instructors or university staff are not accepted. Requests to withdraw from a class can be submitted via fax at (702) 895-4195 or via email at
Course Cancellations And Changes
UNLV Continuing Education reserves the right to cancel any class or make any other changes it deems necessary in order to provide students with the best educational experience possible. If it becomes necessary to cancel a course, the University will issue full refunds of the registration fee to all students enrolled in the class. Under no circumstances will the amount refunded exceed the amount of the registration fee. The University will not reimburse students for the cost of travel or lodging in the unlikely event that a class is cancelled, therefore, it is recommended that students traveling to attend classes make flexible reservations, in case it becomes necessary to change them. Cancellations due to under-enrollment are generally made between three weeks and three business days before the first class session. Students are notified of cancellations by e-mail or phone as soon as possible and given the option of enrolling in a different course or receiving a refund.
UNLV Employee Discount Information
UNLV Alumni Discount Information