Leadership & Management image


  • Starts
  • Duration

    4-6 months

  • Time


  • Location
  • Mode
    In Person




As a front-line supervisor or manager, you make daily decisions to highlight individual strengths and maximize team effectiveness. The success of your team depends on your choices in managing the motivation, the conflicts, the diversity, and the performance of all team members.

As you work toward a UNLV Management Certificate, you will develop skills in five key management competency areas: conflict management, communications, people/team management, project management, and managing diversity in the workplace.

This Program is Perfect For

Front-line managers and supervisors eager to improve their team's performance. It is also an ideal training path for seasoned managers looking to upgrade skills.

What You Will Learn

By the end of the program students will:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools a supervisor/manager must have to lead a team to its full potential.
  • Develop an ability to navigate performance issues and implement effective performance management strategies.
  • Be equipped to navigate the ever-evolving dynamic of the modern workplace.
  • Acquire strategic and systematic management skill sets.

Program Details

To earn the Management Professional Certificate, you must successfully complete the 12 required courses* for a total of 72 hours (7.2 CEUs). 

*Students who started the Management certificate program prior to spring 2025 will need to complete a total of 3.2 CEUs of Management courses.

Once you fulfill all certificate program requirements as outlined in the Academic Plan, you may request your certificate.