My (college) diploma is stored in a book somewhere. My framed paralegal certificate is proudly hanging on my wall.” -Nicholle Pendergraft, 2017 UNLV Paralegal Graduate
Nicholle Pendergraft had a successful career as a makeup artist and hair stylist with some of the best shows to ever grace the Las Vegas Strip. It was a dream job, but with each new show in Las Vegas came the closure of the previous one. For a single mother, such job uncertainty was not optimal.
So Nicholle made the decision to go back to school and embark on a new career. Although she had earned a Bachelor of Arts twenty years prior, Nicholle was nervous to get back into the classroom. She overcame her fears, worked hard to get financial assistance, and finished UNLV’s Paralegal program in 15 weeks.
Once her papers and exams were done, Nicholle kept in contact with all her classmates, networked with law firms, and worked to perfect her resume and interview skills. Through her perseverance, Clear Counsel Law Group offered her an entry level position as a receptionist. Within two weeks she was promoted to a new dream job as a litigation legal assistant.
Nicholle points to a key mantra from paralegal instructors Matthew Pfau and Zachariah Parry for her rising success: “Arrive early, stay late, and work hard.”
Learn more about the Paralegal program.